Monday, March 2, 2009

The Hollywood Worldview

At the Academy Awards (the show where egoists stroke each others egos) Sean Penn probably had the quote of the night when he chastised those who opposed homosexual marriage admonishing that their grandchildren would be ashamed of them. The he added, "It is time for civil rights to be given to all (I'm sure he meant to say . . except the unborn)."

Penn is arguing from a "man is the center of the universe" worldview. When man is the center of the universe the only thing that matters is for us to try to help as many people do what they want as possible. As the mindset grows, chaos swells.

When we leave God out of our worldview creation is an accident; a work of chance (whatever that means). We are headed nowhere and any exist to grab all the gusto in the now. Once we adopt that mentality, the dignity of human beings is lost. Murder, terrorist acts, abortion, human trafficking, disrespect in the home, school and workplace all naturally follow.

In response to Sean Penn (though he would not likely understand what I am saying) I would say:
1) This is an issue of authority, not political clout. Christians do not oppose gay marriage because it is against the law and we don't want the status quo disrupted. We don't oppose gay marriage because we dislike homosexuals. We oppose gay marriage on Biblical grounds. The Bible is our authority. We must obey God rather than men. When we toss aside this authority the measure of truth becomes our own imaginations. We believe this is the height of foolishness.

2)My concern is less with what my Grandchildren say about me and more about what God will say about me on the last day. For me, I can think of nothing greater than for my Grandchildren to say, "Grandpa sure believed in the Bible . . . He made it the foundation of His life"

3) Equal rights should not equal license (you can do whatever you want). We are moving in that direction as a society but it is a destructive mistake. Rights without parameters is chaos. Our country was founded with Judeo-Christian values as our parameters. (Basically that means the Bible set the guidelines for our freedom). Letting your children do whatever they want is not good parenting. A good parent tries to guide their children to good and productive choices. The mere existence of restrictions is not a violation of rights, it is evidence of love.