Friday, March 13, 2009

The Stem Cell Debate

President Obama made news by lifting the ban on government funded embryonic stem cell research. This decision was hailed as an advance for science.

I have read Michael J. Fox's book. I know he desires a cure for Parkinson's. I want him to be cured of Parkinson's. However, I believe the President's action actually makes that more difficult.

Throughout this whole debate about stem cells the spin was that President Bush was against stem cell research and anti-science. That wasn't true. He was against embryonic stem cell research. In other words he was against creating life in order to kill it. What is seldom mentioned is the fact that President Bush encouraged and put government funds toward adult stem cell research and other generic forms of stem cell research.

In President Obama's rescinding the order of President Bush he effectively stopped the funding for adult stem cell research and alternative stem cell research (such as iPSC research). The Pastor's weekly briefing points to the great results this research has yielded.

"Many believe that Bush could have been ahead of his time in promoting both adult stem-cell research and alternative research, such as regression, also known as direct reprogramming. In this process, differentiated cells from adults are reverted into stem cells, with no destruction of human life. As recently as last week, researchers announced that they had successfully turned ethically created cells into the neurons that break down in Parkinson's disease. The week before, scientists produced evidence that they had treated Parkinson's in a patient with his own adult stem cells. Almost daily, researchers are celebrating new breakthroughs without compromising a single human life. Over 70 diseases and conditions have already been treated through adult stem cells, helping patients overcome everything from juvenile diabetes to heart disease. "While the Obama administration and its supporters claim to be on the cutting edge of science, the new President is pursuing old technology," said Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council." (Pastor's Weekly Briefing 3/13/09).

During the term of President Bush the government was not funding embryonic stem cell research but it was still going on with private funds. These studies have yielded NOTHING.

The President appears to be wrong on this one. He is supporting (and helping underwrite) the destruction of human life in it's most defenseless state, and there is not one reason to do so.