Saturday, April 4, 2009

Unseen Idolatry

I have been reading Mark Driscoll's book VINTAGE JESUS. In one chapter he talks about worship. Driscoll points out that the idols of our day are very subtle. They are the things that demand devotion and call for us to sacrifice. These idols take the form of sports involvements, extracurricular commitments, the media, politics, and even video gaming or texting on the phone!

Here's a list of questions he suggests for identifying the idols of our lives.
  1. Who or what do I make sacrifices for?
  2. Who or what is most important to me?
  3. If I could have any thing or experience I wanted, what would that be?
  4. Who or what makes me the most happy?
  5. What is it that gets me most excited/enthusiastic?
  6. What do I spend my money on?
  7. Who or what do I devote my spare time to?
The greatest danger to our faith is the embracing of idols that we do not recognize as idols.