Friday, January 2, 2009


In a couple of weeks Barak Obama will become President of the United States. I believe Mr. Obama is a good man who wants to do what is best for the country. What concerns me are the incredible expectations. As the old saying goes: "even the best of men are only men at best."

When such huge expectations are placed on someone things can get terribly distorted. People make foolish decisions trying to live up to expectations. People may begin to put the confidence they should place in God, in an earthly leader and a system, that has proved to be anything but flawless.

We must be careful! The problems that we now have as a country were not caused by George W. Bush. They are the culmination of years and years of short-sighted decisions and runaway greed. Our problems will not be solved by throwing money at them. Such well-meaning actions may just make things worse (as we learn from Herbert Hoover). This is a time for careful wisdom. This is a time for cautious action. This is not a time to put our hope in men. This is a time when prayer for wisdom and God's influence should be our top priority.