Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Abortion Debate Confusion

I must admit the whole abortion debate confuses me.

The Bible tells us that each person is created in the image of God. This means they are of intrinsic value. I know some say this doesn't relate to the abortion debate because a baby does not become "human" until they are born. Yet parents talk to this baby, view their pictures, and perform surgery on them . . . all before they are "alive". Preemies survive at earlier and earlier ages. I don't understand how this baby could be seen as "not human" until they are delivered. Most mothers are excited the moment they learn they are pregnant. If they lose that baby through a miscarriage, try telling them that what they were carrying was really "nothing."

I'm confused because many of the same people who campaign for the ethical treatment of animals have no problem supporting and cheering for the killing of innocent children in the womb. Many of those who clamor for tougher rules for the protection of the environment so that our children will also be able to enjoy the world are also OK with killing those children in the womb. Some of the same people who protest any military actions support ending a babies life. That confuses me.

The soundbite talks about "pro-choice" yet it seems to me that no one is trying to take a woman's choice away from her. Men and women can freely choose to engage in activities that have a risk of pregnancy! However, once a person has freely chosen why should they not have to live with the consequence of their actions? Freedom and consequence go together. If a person freely chooses to engage in intercourse I don't understand why it should be law that the person does not have to live with the consequences for that choice. Why must the baby lose it's freedom so that the parents don't have to live with the consequences of their free choices? Why is this position called pro-choice rather than anti-consequence?

I wonder if this idea that we should not have to live with the consequences of our choices in this issue isn't the foundation for all the frivolous lawsuits (I put my hot coffee between my legs and got burned so now the restaurant should compensate me for the consequence of MY stupid choice). Is this what is leading to the truckload of cases where people feel they should not be punished for murder? I just don't get it.

I am confused by those who say an abortion is a "simple procedure". Really? This is a real surgery with the risk of bleeding, scarring and more. I also find it hard to believe that these women don't look back one day and wonder what life would have been like if they had kept the child they destroyed. Every time they see a child around the age of the child they destroyed I find it hard to believe there is no regret or sadness.

I know there are people having children who are not fit to be parents. I know there are people having children simply to get the welfare money. I know there are people who are raped and turn up pregnant. These are tough issues but I'm just not convinced that ending the life of the baby and creating this idea that you can be sexually reckless without consequence is the way to address even these toughest of issues.

I hear all the debates but I have to tell you . . . I just don't get it.