Thursday, December 11, 2008

Illinois Governor

We have all watched the story about the alleged abuse of power for the Governor of Illinois. I know a person is innocent until proven guilty, but he sure sounds guilty to me.

It seems to me that the story about Governor Blagojevich illustrates how a conscience can become dulled by repreated compromise. When you make even little compromises with what is right it becomes easier to justify even greater compromise. This is why a person can say, "I haven't done anything wrong" even when it seems apparent that he is guilty of the most blatant abuse of power.

There is a warning here for all of us: We must beware of those small compromises in our own lives. Are you "fudging the truth"? Are are you pushing what is legal? Are you walking close to the edge of what is appropriate behavior. If so, be careful because you too could find yourself drifting into a mess just like the Governor of Illinois.