I was listening to a conference discussion and one of the speakers made an acute observation. He was asked why there was so little concern for holiness in the church and in our culture. He pointed out that the one led to the other.
The job of the church is to have a sanctifying effect on the community. We are supposed to rub off on those around us. Unfortunately, said the speaker, it is working the other way around.
He gave one example: our observance of the Sabbath (one of God's big Ten). 30 years ago businesses were closed on the Sabbath. It was understood that this was the day God's people went to church to sit under the teaching of the Scriptures. Even some major sports didn't play on Sunday (some golf tournaments ended on Saturday instead of Sunday). That of course is no longer the case.
As I thought about what the speaker said I knew he was right. When any group of Pastors gets together there is a common complaint . . . the worship and service of God is too low on the priority list of most parishoners. We are to have no other God's before Him yet we put: sleep, sports, yard work, shopping, day trips, family reunions all before the Lord when it comes to Sunday.
Understand the clear message that is being sent to the world: "Christians don't take God's Word seriously . . . . so there is no reason for us to do so either."
I can't imagine anyone concluding that we are better off now than we were 30 years ago. We are more profane, more selfish, and more self-absorbed. We are running more fervently after the material things of the world than ever. We are more distant from God even though mega-churches continue to flourish.
When you look around and wonder: "What happened?" Remind yourself that these things come as a result of Christians feeling they can negotiate with Scripture. God's standards haven't changed. Our response to those standards has changed. It is time for "Christians" to once again actually follow Christ.