Chuck Colson in one of his "Two Minute Warnings" warns that there is a movement going on to change the meaning of "Freedom of Religion" to "Freedom of Worship". Colson (who used to do this kind of re-defining in the Nixon White House) points out that these redefinitions (in this case by the Secretary of State) are designed to limit the church in its ability to point out behavior the Bible calls sin (in this case homosexuality). The idea is: you are free to worship wherever and however you want... but you cannot impose that religious belief on your children (by telling them that there is right and wrong) not can you express your convictions publicly if it means someone else's actions are considered wrong.
This re-definition aims at any belief that the Bible is the timeless Word of God. When we recognize the Bible as the inspired revelation from God then there are some things that are indeed black and white (the value of life, marriage is between a man and a woman, stealing from others is wrong, Jesus is the only way to Heaven, lying is wrong, the Bible is the inspired Word of God and much more).
We have redefined marriage, we have redefined parental discipline, we have redefined authority (especially in the schools), we have redefined truth (what works for you); we have redefined life (a baby in the womb is now a "blob of tissue" we evaluate the elderly by their "quality of life"), redefined the family, and we have redefined morality. Obedience to the law now means don't get caught. Telling the truth is now a matter of telling whatever truth you have to tell to get what you want.
Every Christian has a choice: do we negotiate truth or do we stand on it. The Bible tells us that those who stand on the truth are the ones who will be standing in the end. I believe Scripture; I hope you do too.