I have been reading in the early chapters of the Old Testament. I've noticed that God was very specific as to the attire of priests. They were to were special clothes and even bath in certain ways.
I started to think about why God gave such directives. Why was He so specific about the surroundings of worship? I think the answer is that these things pointed to God's holiness and splendor.
When we have a meeting with someone we respect or who is in a position over us we tend to dress in our best. Why? We understand that it is a sign of respect. If we had a job interview we would look our best (if we wanted to get the job). If we had a meeting with the President of the United States we would not head to the White House in blue jeans. People who work in the White House or Congress don't wear blue jeans to work. In our heart we do understand why God told the priests to represent Him well.
So I admit that I am troubled with the idea of dressing down for worship. Few Pastors wear suits and ties anymore. The idea is that they will relate better to the congregation if they are more casual.
I think the dress codes in the church should be more relaxed. People should be able to come into God's house and not feel they have to go out and buy a new wardrobe before they can enter. I think it is a good thing that people can come in from chores and be welcomed into the fellowship of the faithful. We can dress comfortable and casual and still show respect in the way we dress.
I'm more concerned about those on the platform. When I see a Pastor in a Hawaiian shirt and blue jeans I tend to think that the message is also casual. It's not. I'm concerned that our attire still sends a message . . . the wrong one. It says worship is consumer driven rather than God-driven. It says worship is about the people rather than about the Lord. It says we can approach God casually rather than reverently. I don't think any of those messages are good messages.
I'm OK with Pastors dressing like everyone else during the week (whether that is jeans or suits). It is good for people to see and know that we are fellow pilgrims. I think it does open doors of communication.
However, when we stand on the platform our role is different. At that time we approach the King. At that time we represent the Lord. In worship God is to be the focus, not man. We should be desiring to connect with Him more than we are each other. We should show respect for the Creator. It seems to me that one of the ways of doing this is in the way we dress. [bruce]