Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I read a great quote the other day that has helped me a great deal. I can't remember where I read this but the quote was of this nature, "whatever we focus on will become larger and larger".

Think about this. If I focus on the wrong that someone has done to me (or I perceive they have done to me) that wrong will grow larger and larger. It will gradually take over my life and my thinking.

If I focus on the trials and struggles of my life those struggles will grow so large in my mind that they will crowd out the blessings.

If I focus on the faults and weaknesses of my mate I will no longer be able to see those great traits that drew me to him/her.

If I focus on the critical comments of men in regard to Scriptural authority the Bible will become less and less sufficient for my life.

Now turn this around. If I focus on Christ and his sufficiency His greatness will dominate my life and my problems will lessen in comparison. If I focus on the promises and veracity of God's Word, the threats of worldly philosophy will be seen in their weakness.

In our personal lives if we focus on (and celebrate) the strengths and gifts of our mate and our friends, we will cherish them more and be able to "cover over a multitude of sins". If we focus on our blessings and gifts we will find gratitude growing larger in our hearts rather than discontentment.

I hope this insight helps you as much as it did me. Choose where you focus your mind and it will change the way your experience your life.